2019 Holiday Marketing Trends to Start Implementing Now

Showing gratitude to your loyal customers.

During the holidays, you can’t simply bank on continued customer loyalty to keep business coming in. Because budgets are often tight during this key season, customers will always be on the search for the best deals they can find. However, even if you can’t outcompete big box stores and other local competitors with your pricing alone, you can send a message of gratitude to win back some of your existing customers. Whether you choose an email or a physical card in the mail, offering a message thanking previous customers for their business can be the boost you need to get them into your store—of course, it doesn’t hurt to offer a seasonal discount or bonuses with select purchases.

Personalizing ads to customer needs.

One of the most prevalent trends in digital marketing is ad personalization. For example, when a user searches for “Holiday decorating ideas”, they may encounter a blog article posted by a home goods store about holiday decorating. Following their visit to the store’s site to view the blog post, the user may later see an ad on Facebook advertising a sale on Christmas lights at the same store. This type of selective targeting and retargeting can help you find more customers who are shopping for your products and services. So, your message may not extend as far as it might with a more generalized ad, but you will see a more relevant, interested audience.

Storytelling is another important component of personalizing your ads. Especially during the holidays, consumers tend to respond positively to marketing that targets their emotional reasoning. For example, a company that offers video chat software might showcase how their product has been used to reunite distant family members for the holidays. This type of advertising shows a product being used in everyday life, offering a relatable message that resonates with viewers.

Targeting mobile users with location-based marketing.

Another way to add a higher level of personalization in your digital campaign is with geo-targeted ad campaigns. Utilizing geofencing, you can make sure these localized ads are seen on potential customers’ mobile devices when they are in your area. For instance, you might use a display ad or email campaign to offer 20% off stocking stuffers when last-minute shoppers are near your store on Christmas Eve.

Location-based marketing is also an effective tool for online retailers. This is true for a few reasons. First, Google and other search engines will favor local businesses in search results, so targeting locally can still be a boost, even if customers never visit your physical location. Geo-targeting also helps you customize your ad’s message to local conditions. For example, if a storm is expected to head through your city, you could offer discounts for online orders during the storm, enticing customers to do their shopping from the comfort of home, where they won’t have to fight traffic and poor weather conditions.

Optimizing for mobile.

As you plan your holiday marketing campaign, one of the most important factors to keep in mind is how users will experience your ads on mobile. More and more users do their browsing almost exclusively on mobile devices, so you should create a customer experience that flows seamlessly on a smartphone or tablet. One of the top rules to keep in mind is the three-tap rule. In other words, it should take no more than three taps to get from an ad or email to a product page with an actionable message, such as a purchase option or consultation form.

As you’re thinking more about how to leverage your holiday sales to a mobile audience, you should also consider the way that many users will conduct their searches. Voice search is increasing in popularity with mobile users, so you might use keywords that cater more to that search method. When people utilize voice search, they will use a more conversational tone, often asking full questions rather than searching for short key phrases. So, instead of optimizing for the term “Holiday gifts for kids”, you might target questions like “What should I buy my daughter/son for Christmas?” or “What are the hottest holiday toys this year?”

Including free shipping for online shoppers.

The convenience of online shopping is nearly irresistible for holiday shoppers, and for many, that will mean heading to large retailers like Amazon. However, you can help your ecommerce see a holiday boost by offering free shipping for all online orders through the season. If it’s simply not feasible for your business to offer free shipping, then buy online and pick up in store service can be an affordable alternative. It will still help customers skip the lines and avoid incurring extra costs to have their orders shipped to their doors.

Enriching the customer experience.

The most important takeaway from this year’s holiday marketing trends is that the customer experience should come first. Even if you are not offering the lowest prices or the most extensive selection of products, you can still make an impact by showing your customers that their time and their opinions matter. So, along with the strategies above, include ways for customers to leave feedback and reviews right on your site. This will not only provide you with valuable direct insight on your marketing efforts, but it will also keep your customers happy knowing that you want to make their experience better.

If you want to see better results from your holiday marketing campaign this year, connect with Salem Surround by calling 1-844-277-5797. We provide an omnichannel marketing approach that will help you surround your ideal audience, making your brand one that truly stands out.

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A woman makes a purchase on her laptop

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